Pinellas County United graciously accepts tax-deductible donations to support our mission of providing positive, high quality soccer opportunities at all levels of play.
General Donations can be made in these ways:
If you are making a donation in memory of any individual, please select the appropriate name from the drop down or include the name in the optional comments section.
If you have any questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Denise Turbide.
Financial aid, which provides financial assistance to players and families facing financial hardship ensuring all kids have access to the game regardless of family financial constraints. Each year, AYSL/PCU distributes more than $10,000 in Financial Assistance.
Families, individuals, teams, and businesses, and teams can donate anytime to our Financial Aid Fund or outreach programs!
No donation is too small! It all adds up and can make a big difference!
Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Denise Turbide.